Science of Skin

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How to Remove Tan from Face and Body?

Even though the summer is a happy holiday season, nobody likes the harsh sun. Sun exposure can cause hyperpigmentation and black patches in addition to tanning the skin. The skin loses moisture when exposed to harmful UV rays, which eventually causes it to look dull and pale. When you want to attend a big party and look your best, a sun tan can delay your entire cosmetic routine. Knowing this, especially in a tropical nation like ours, we are always very cautious when it comes to sun exposure.

What Does Tan Skin Mean?

Skin that has become darker from too much sun exposure, particularly UV rays, is said to be tanned. It is brought on by a rise in the amount of melanin in the skin. The particular kind of melanin called eumelanin tans the skin with a brown color.

The body parts that are not covered, such as the face, arms, legs, feet, back, and neck, tend to show the most signs of tanner skin.


Darkening of the skin

Patchy and uneven skin tones

Scaly and rough skin

Skin peeling as a result of sunburn can be severe.

Causes of Skin Tanning

The most harmful component that causes the skin to tan is UV-A radiation. It damages cells by penetrating deeper layers of skin.

An increase in the production of the melanin pigment, which is released from melanocytes into keratinocytes, is what gives the skin its browned, darkened appearance.

Premature ageing is caused by UV-A rays destroying the skin’s natural collagen reserve.

The DNA damage that causes an increase in melanin formation is brought on by exposure to UV-B rays.

Sunburns, moles, ageing of the skin, tanning of the skin, and various types of skin cancer are likely to result from excessive exposure to UV-B rays.

There are many sun reactions and skin tan types depending on the colour of your skin.

Pale White – This skin tone never tans and constantly burns when exposed to the sun.

White to light beige – It tans very little and gets sunburned easily.

Beige– This skin tone burns moderately in the sun and tans to a light brown colour.

Light brown skin– It tans the skin a medium brown colour and scarcely burns.

Medium brown skin– The fact that this skin type rarely burns is a blessing. Such skin becomes a dark brown colour and can eventually need tanning therapy.

Dark brown or black skin – Because these skin colours contain a lot of melanin, they never burn and tan a lot in the sun.

What impact does tanning have on the skin?

Your skin cells are harmed by tanning, which also speeds up the ageing process. Tanning increases the chances of melanoma and carcinomas.

Home Remedies for Sun Tan Removal

Aloe vera is among the simplest natural treatments for tanning. Use aloe vera gel on the affected region to help fade sun-induced black patches.

Using a cotton ball, apply cucumber juice directly. For skin that has been sunburnt or tanned, a cucumber is quite useful. As a natural component for removing tans, the cucumber possesses cooling and skin-lightening properties.

DIY Face Masks like

Papaya and honey can be combined to form a paste or gel that will lighten the skin. Natural enzymes with skin-lightening and exfoliating capabilities are abundant in papaya. On the other hand, honey is a natural moisturiser and skin-soothing substance. Honey is also a good source of antioxidants, which helps to cleanse the skin of free radicals that promote ageing.

Antioxidants found in tomatoes help to brighten your skin. Lactic acid, on the other hand, is present in yoghurt and softens the skin. To make a paste, combine the yoghurt and fresh tomato juice. This paste can be applied to your face, neck, and other tanning-prone areas, then washed off after 20 minutes.

To apply a paste to the sun-tanned skin, combine oats and buttermilk. Rub the paste for a while before letting it sit for 20 minutes. Excellent exfoliating and skin-cleansing capabilities can be found in oatmeal. Buttermilk contains a high amount of lactic acid, which can soften skin and enhance skin tone.

Add some honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Apply the mixture to your skin, and then wait 30 minutes before rinsing it off with a gentle cleaner. Alternatively, you can make a scrub by mixing sugar with lemon juice. This will eliminate tan and peel off dead skin cells from the surface. To remove tanning from your hands, apply this scrub on alternate days.

Sun Tan Removal Treatment by professionals

Topical applications: Retinoids, vitamins C and E, and other antioxidants are present in many tan-removal lotions and gels. Dermatologists frequently prescribe them as the best tan-removal products since they boost collagen production and lighten blemishes on the hands and face. The acid’s alpha and beta hydroxy acids exfoliate dead skin cells and promote the growth of new skin cells.

Chemical Peels: Using chemical peels makes it possible to remove the top layer of dead skin cells. By eliminating the top layers of tanned skin, this common method of tanning skin promotes the growth of new skin cells. These de-tanner peels, which come in a variety of concentration strengths, use glycolic acid, trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid, lactic acid, or carbolic acid.

Chemical peels are categorised according to their intensity as follows:

Superficial peel

Medium peel

Deep peel

The most well-liked non-invasive cosmetic surgery over the past few decades has been a chemical peel. These operations are very secure and productive if carried out with the proper technique.

Microdermabrasion: Manual exfoliation of the epidermis’ top layer is used in this non-invasive method of removing tan skin. The tanned epidermal layer is removed to restore fresh, healthy-looking skin. This process, which is completely painless and suitable for all skin types, is said to be the finest approach to get rid of facial tanning.

There are two approaches.

Microdermabrasion with crystals– Using a wand, tiny particles are sprayed over your face.

Microdermabrasion with a diamond tip– An applicator makes direct contact with your skin to exfoliate it.

A recently developed noninvasive, nonsurgical, office-based aesthetic technique for skin renewal and rejuvenation is microdermabrasion (MDA). It is a closed-loop vacuum-assisted abrasive technique that removes skin cells physically by the action of inert crystals.

Laser Treatment: Laser therapy helps get rid of pigmentation and stubborn tans. This procedure for getting rid of tans employs light to repair and restore damaged skin cells. In this process, a low-level red laser that can penetrate the skin up to three inches is exposed to injured skin. This encourages the skin to develop new, healthy skin cells, which enhances the cosmetic appeal of the skin.

Management and prevention:

Dermatologists advise the following measures to avoid tanning:

Throughout the year, apply sunscreen that is labelled to block UVA and UVB radiation. For the majority of skin types, the sunscreen lotion’s SPF should be at least 30. Depending on their skin type, some people might require SPF 50. Ideal for use is a sunscreen that a dermatologist has recommended.

Avoid being in the sun between 10 am and 4 pm, when the sun is at its harshest.

Put on a hat or scarf to cover your head, and use sunglasses to shield your eyes.

Put on protective clothing.

Internal Skin Management

Hydrate yourself. If you tend to become dehydrated easily in the summer, drink extra water in accordance with your health and metabolism.

To strengthen the defences of your skin and prevent solar damage from the inside out, eat wholesome, fiber-rich foods like fruits and vegetables. Including foods that are rich in antioxidants will help to slow down UV-induced ageing.

The first and most efficient way to remove a tan is to protect your skin from the sun’s UV radiation. A tan frequently disappears on its own when your skin gradually sheds the darker skin cells and replaces them with new ones. But, there are treatments, tan removal creams, and simple home remedies you can do if you want to make it appear lighter. In addition to them, follow a suitable skincare routine and eat wholesome, nutritional foods to maintain healthy, bright skin.

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